England fans travelling to Germany for Euro 2024 have been warned about the risks of wearing counterfeit replica shirts. German authorities have strict anti-counterfeit laws, and supporters could face fines of up to £4,000 if caught with fake merchandise.

With international football making a grand return, the demand for Three Lions shirts has soared. Many fans are purchasing new home and away kits, priced at around £85. However, the high cost has also led to a rise in the sale of counterfeit shirts.
Sports analyst Alex Hemming from Free Bets Ireland emphasized the importance of adhering to German laws, which prohibit the distribution, sale, and possession of counterfeit goods.
The German Trademark Act is rigorously enforced, and random checks are common, especially at major transport hubs. Penalties for carrying fake items, including football shirts and handbags, can be severe.
Hemming highlighted the importance of understanding and following local laws to avoid hefty fines. He pointed out that other European countries, like Italy, also impose significant penalties for counterfeit goods.

Hemming advised fans to always buy authentic merchandise, keep their receipts, and stay informed about the regulations in the countries they visit.
Counterfeit football shirts are particularly common during international tournaments, with many fans opting for England jerseys. Due to the biennial nature of these tournaments, some supporters are reluctant to invest in new official kits. However, the risks of fines and legal trouble make it crucial for fans to choose authentic products.
England’s preparations for Euro 2024 include a friendly match against Bosnia and Herzegovina on June 3, followed by a game against Iceland on June 7.
Gareth Southgate will then finalize his squad, trimming it down from 33 to 26 players. The Three Lions will begin their Group C campaign against Serbia on June 16, then face Denmark on June 20, and Slovenia on June 25.
As excitement builds for Euro 2024, England fans are urged to prioritize authenticity and adhere to local laws to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience in Germany.